Complete inventory management system
Complete inventory management system
Here I have explained most things in MS Access Database Programming after reading the code and checking the tutorial you will know how some of the logic in the Login System is done.
Below I provided you with the code you can learn also you can copy the code and use it to build your application just alter them as you want these blocks of code are arranged as the tutorial shows
The code below is the key to our Inventory Management system it has the sale heart of the MS Access Database but what you can learn here is the Logics and some Techniques used to accomplish the Inventory Management System.
Complete inventory management system
Afya C System Database Sales Order Form |
Private Sub SaveOrder_Click()
Dim Activity As RecordsetDim rsUser As String
Dim rsSub As DAO.Recordset
rsUser = Forms![Navigation Form]!txtUser.Value
The above code has the Declared variables with the types of data they belong or acquired The Line rsUser = Forms![Navigation Form]!txtUser.Value
The line above grabs the user Name of the one logged in to the system for security purposes Because the username is located in the main form ( Navigation Form) that's why we have referenced the main for as you see the [Navigation Form] there in Complete inventory management systemIf Status.Value = "Deleted" Then
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!Quantity.Enabled = False
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!txtDiscount.Enabled = False
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!CmdRemove.Enabled = False
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!CmdRemove.ForeColor = vbGreen
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!ItemCode.Enabled = False
MsgBox "This order has been Deleted", vbCritical, "Bad Choice"
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Exit Sub
End If
In the Complete inventory management system the following code above is the code to disable some features when a user tries to save the deleted order as you see our complete inventory Management System has a status bar that differentiates between Not saved, on progress, Deleted, and Completed orders.
If Status.Value = "Completed" Then
FormattedMsgBox " Dear" & " " & rsUser & _
"@ This Order has been Completed," & vbCrLf & _
"Please Create new order now@", vbCritical, "Bad Choice"
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!Quantity.Enabled = True
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!txtDiscount.Enabled = True
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!CmdRemove.Enabled = True
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!ItemCode.Enabled = True
Exit Sub
End If
This VBA Code in Complete inventory management system shows when the user tries to save the completed order first gets the message thus the order is completed also the details locked Early are now Enabled because after the message the application creates a new order as you see the Code DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec This code creates a new order, so the app must unlock these features to allow the user to enter customer details.
Code on Progress
If Status.Value = "On Progress" Then
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!Quantity.Enabled = False
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!txtDiscount.Enabled = False
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!CmdRemove.Enabled = False
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!CmdRemove.ForeColor = vbGreen
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!ItemCode.Enabled = False
Set rsSub = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SalesOrdersub", dbOpenDynaset)
'Loop through the subform records and save each one to the new table
With Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form.Recordset
Do Until .EOF
rsSub!ItemCode = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!ItemCode.Column(0) 'Change "ItemName" to the name of the field in your subform
rsSub!UnitPrice = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form![Inventory.UnitPrice].Value 'Change "UnitPrice" to the name of the field in your subform
rsSub!Description = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!ItemCode.Column(1)
rsSub!Quantity = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!Quantity.Value
rsSub!OrderDate = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form![OrderDate].Value
rsSub!Discount = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form![Discount].Value
rsSub![ID Number] = Forms!SalesOrder!SalesOrder.Value
End With
Set rsSub = Nothing
Status.Value = "Completed"
MsgBox "Changes Saved"
Edit the record
Set Activity = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("UpdatesDate")
With Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form.Recordset
Do Until .EOF
Activity!PreparedBy = Forms![Navigation Form].Form!txtUser.Value
Activity!OrderDate = Me.OrderDate
Activity!CustomerName = Me.Customer
Activity!TimeStamp = Now()
Activity!OrderNumber = Me.SalesOrder
Activity!Status = Me.Status
Activity!Description = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!ItemCode.Column(1)
Activity!Quantity = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!Quantity
Activity!UnitPrice = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form![Inventory.UnitPrice].Value
Activity!OrderDate2 = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form![OrderDate].Value
Activity!Edited = "Edited"
End With
Set Activity = Nothing
Exit Sub
Complete inventory management system
Set Activity = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("UpdatesDate")
With Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form.Recordset
Do Until .EOF
Activity!PreparedBy = Forms![Navigation Form].Form!txtUser.Value
Activity!OrderDate = Me.OrderDate
Activity!CustomerName = Me.Customer
Activity!TimeStamp = Now()
Activity!OrderNumber = Me.SalesOrder
Activity!Description = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!ItemCode.Column(1)
Activity!Quantity = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!Quantity.Value
Activity!UnitPrice = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form![Inventory.UnitPrice].Value
Activity!OrderDate2 = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form![OrderDate].Value
End With
Set Activity = Nothing
Dim db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset, count As Long, n As Long, SQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM SalesOderDetails WHERE SalesOrder=" & Me.SalesOrder)
If rs.EOF Then Exit Sub 'If there are no records, stop execution at this level.
rs.MoveLast: count = rs.RecordCount: rs.MoveFirst
For n = 1 To count
SQL = "UPDATE inventory SET Inv_Qty = inventory.Inv_Qty - " & rs.Fields("quantity") & " WHERE ItemCode=" & rs.Fields("ItemCode")
db.Execute SQL
Next n
Set rsSub = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SalesOrdersub", dbOpenDynaset)
'Loop through the subform records and save each one to the new table
With Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form.Recordset
Do Until .EOF
rsSub!ItemCode = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!ItemCode.Column(0) 'Change "ItemName" to the name of the field in your subform
rsSub!UnitPrice = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form![Inventory.UnitPrice].Value 'Change "UnitPrice" to the name of the field in your subform
rsSub!Description = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!ItemCode.Column(1)
rsSub!Quantity = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!Quantity.Value
rsSub!OrderDate = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form![OrderDate].Value
rsSub!Discount = Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form![Discount].Value
rsSub![ID Number] = Forms!SalesOrder!SalesOrder.Value
rsSub!Status = Forms!SalesOrder!Status.Value
End With
Set rsSub = Nothing
Call Notsve_Click
MsgBox rs.RecordCount & " Item(s) Inventory Updated ", vbInformation, "Updated"
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!Quantity.Enabled = False
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!txtDiscount.Enabled = False
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!CmdRemove.Enabled = False
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!CmdRemove.ForeColor = vbGreen
Forms!SalesOrder!FSubPurchaseOderLine.Form!ItemCode.Enabled = False
Status.Value = "Completed"
End If
End Sub
So as you can see above the overall code explained in the tutorial is here check the code hope you will learn something here in the Complete inventory management system and don't forget to leave a comment on my page YouTube channel and subscribe also for more details like this.